Walldog Mural Festival in Mount Barker, Australia

I attended the very first Walldog meet in Allerton, Iowa back in 1993. I fell in love with the notion that sharing local history on town buildings could revitalize and inspire a community for years to come.

In 2001, my company hosted “Walldog Jam” in Cornwall, ON Canada, where twelve murals were created over a five day period! Since then, I’ve traveled across Canada and the US, tasked with designing historical murals and leading teams of volunteers - professionals and even some that have never held a brush before - to complete a huge piece of art in just a few days.

Next up? Australia. Mount Barker is in Western Australia, and after a couple of years of postponement, a handful of Canadian and American Walldogs finally made the trek and got to work.

The Australian ABC National News picked up the story and stopped by to get the scoop.